Who I Am

i am not limited by your perception of me

i am who i am

and it’s taken me a long time to figure that out

to learn what is me

and what was forced on me by you

what was carved into me by you

it’s been painful

to peel back each layer

to question what i thought was myself

and find out that it’s not

to discover me

the pure unadulterated version of who i am

for that i will be forever grateful


The Hive

My mind knows it’s not worth it.

That it’s not worth getting angry.

But my body hasn’t figured that out.

My body is tired, tired of constantly being in fight or flight mode.

Tired of choosing fight and regretting it instantly.

The persistent buzz just beneath the surface of my skin.

The swarm of angry bees ready to fight.

My body exhausted, using up energy to smoke them into submission.

But if I don’t,

If I knock the hive and let them loose,

I won’t be the only person stung.


The Crown

Life will not get the best of you.

You have to fight it.

Prove it wrong.

Prove to the universe that you will not be toppled like a fallen kingdom.

You are worthy of the battle.

You will take a hit and then swing back.

Life will kick you down.

Shove your face into the mud.

You will fight back.

You will push your way back to your feet.

You will triumph over the bruised and bloodied field.

You will be stronger, wiser, smarter.

You are worthy of the crown.


Love is a wave.

Rushing at you like water towards the shore.

It’ll wash away stones leaving beautiful memories behind.

Shiny little shells, each with a story to tell.

It’ll crash into you and knock you back a step.

And as it rushes back, it pulls you deeper.

Slowly, little by little, until all at once,

you’re wrapped in waves and carried out to sea.



That someone who loves you, 
That someone who frames your only published poem like it’s won a Pulitzer,
Who believes in you so much even you can’t help but to believe you can do anything.
That person believes you’re already the writer you want to be.
They are holding the book, pages longing for script.
They are worth all of it.
They are worth every last drop of ink.

A gift

We walked down the hallway 
around students and lockers
I have a gift for you they said
“it’s for Christmas but it’s early”
I had a feeling, sinking in my gut
what was once a normal moment
was now about to change
They handed me a bracelet
simple, plain, and black
a silver heart locket 
affixed to the back 
still rushing through the hallway
almost late for class 
I brushed my fingers over the beads 
as they sat cold in my hands
the locket had their mother’s name
etched with a tiny heart
I knew in that very moment 
what this gift was meant to be 
I can’t accept this 
its lovely but I can’t 
I know it means so much to you 
but it’s not the same to me
They ripped the bracelet from my hand
quickened their step and ran
I called their name 
my heart sank
I lost a friend that day 
with just a simple gift


I was only eleven 
Maybe twelve

Old enough to know it was wrong 
But not enough to fully understand 

Old enough to want so desperately to be “in”
But not enough to know it wasn’t worth it

Every day we walked to school
Every day we sat at together 
Thick as thieves
My first best friend

And then one day they came
They said we could join them 
The cool kids
It seems cliche as fuck now

after a week or so 
she pulled me aside
She said I had to choose
I couldn’t be friends with them 
And be friends with you too 

The next morning I handed you a note.
And we never spoke again.

I made a choice. 
There’s no excuse.
But I still think about it.
Even now, in my thirties 
I still think about you.

I wish I could tell you 
That I’m sorry
I wish I could tell you 
That I got my due
That she hurt me 
as much as I hurt you

I learned that year 
that real friends 
never make you choose. 